• Class Action Binder

What is a class action lawsuit? It combines multiple plaintiffs that have a complaint against a company, such as those who got sick at Camp Lejeune, or people who developed mesothelioma after being exposed to asbestos.

Read on to learn more about class action lawsuits and how they can benefit you.

What Is a Class Action Lawsuit?

The best way to answer a question like “what is a class action lawsuit” is to compare it to other court cases.

Most have one plaintiff and one defendant. A class action lawsuit involves multiple plaintiffs who combine their claims into one case. They typically target businesses, employers, or other entities that have caused harm.

Class action litigation starts with an individual, known as the lead plaintiff. They gather other members who have suffered similar damages. They can be anyone with a valid legal claim, including:

  • Customers
  • Employees
  • Investors
  • Patients

There’s no limit to the number of class members, but the recommendation is at least 40. They can be a local Florida resident or come from all over the nation.

How Can I File?

Gather any documents that prove the damages members of the class suffered. These include:

  • Emails
  • Call records
  • Contract agreements
  • Terms of service
  • Credit card statements
  • Vehicle records
  • Businesses’ legal names

Bring these to a case evaluation with a lawyer experienced with class actions. They’ll tell you if your case has merit and provide an engagement letter that outlines everyone’s rights and the payment process. State requirements differ, but federal requirements are made clear in Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civic Procedure.

The defendant may respond and allege that your case has no merit. The attorney has to get it certified by assigning a lead representative to act on behalf of the rest while proving it’s legally sound and that all members suffered similar damages. If the court agrees, every member will get a notice and the opportunity to opt in or out.

The case goes to court if the class and the defendant can’t agree on a settlement. A judge and jury will decide the compensation amount, It’ll be distributed among the attorney and to named and unnamed class members.

The case could also lead to injunctive relief. These are legal changes such as cleaning up contaminated water.

How Can I Benefit?

A class-action lawsuit is one of the only ways to stand up against large companies with strong financial and legal resources. You are also more likely to spend less time in court, get fairly distributed settlements, and pay lower legal fees.

That time and money can be invested back into your case. Use it to find an experienced class action attorney. They can help decide who should join the class and gather evidence to create a stronger case.

Where Can I Find a Class Action Lawyer?

What is a class action lawsuit? It combines your claim with those of other defendants who’ve suffered the same damages.

Filing involves submitting the right paperwork, finding a lawyer, and taking the case to court if you and the defendant can’t settle. If you win, you’ll get the money or injunctive relief you’re seeking. It’s a quicker way to stand up to large companies without paying huge legal fees.

Contact Newsome Melton to find a class action lawyer today.